Lab members

Principal investigator
Dr Megan Wilson, Senior Lecturer and Laboratory Head.
PhD students
Bridget Fellows
MSc Students:
400-level Post-grad Students 2023:
Devon Gamble (BBiomedSc(Hons)
Sevanaia Seeto PgDipSc (Genetics)
Jack Williams (BSc(Hons))
Past Students and Staff:
Isabel Ayora (BASc, Summer project 2022/23) –
Tithi Gandhi (Summer student 2021/22, BBiomedSc Hons 2022), PhD (Auckland)
Susie Szakats (PhD) – Post-doctoral Fellow, AgResearch
Stephanie Workman (PhD) – Post-doctoral Fellow, Mater, University of Queensland
Dr Michael Meier (Post-doctoral Fellow) – Research Fellow
Rachel Cannon (PgDipSc Genetics) – MSc
Rebecca Clarke Post-doctoral Fellow, AgResearch
Jeremy McCallum-Loudeac Teaching Fellow, Anatomy Department
Jon Howard (BSc(Hons) Anatomy) – Law
Lin Song BBiomedSc(Hons) -.Clinical embryology
Dr Lyvianne Decourtye (Post-doctoral fellow) – Research Fellow, Biochemistry
Alice McAtamney BBioMedSc(Hons) – PhD student, cancer genetics
Georgia Johnstone (BSc(Hons) Genetics) – Laboratory Technician, Pacific Edge, Research & Development (EY)
Emma Young (BSc(Hons) Genetics) – Medicine, University of Melbourne
Yisheng Yang (PhD in Genetics) – Science Teaching
Kathy Sircombe (MSc Genetics) – Assistant Research Fellow (Microbiology and Immunology department), PhD student Pharmacology
Stephanie Workman BBiomedSci(Hons)
Rebecca Clarke BSc(Hons) Genetics
Susie Szakats BBiomedSci(Hons)
Jeremy McCallum-Loudeac BSc(Hons) Anatomy
Mitchell Weston (MSc Genetics)
Dr Simon Blanchoud
Lisa Zondag (Genetics) PhD
Tanya Cheung (MSc Genetics) – working as a Research Assistant at Otago
Summer Sorensen (BBioMedSci(Hons)) – Clinical embryologist
Ana Clark (PgDipSci, Genetics)
Jamie Ng (PgDipSci, MSc Anatomy) – Research assistant, Sydney
Mitchell Weston (MSc Genetics) – Research assistant AgResearch
Phoebe Heenan (MSc Anatomy) – Research assistant in Christchurch
James McEwan (Summer Student, Medicine Otago)