Beri started working in the bacteriology lab as a lab assistant during her BSc in Molecular Biology & Genetics at Istanbul Technical University. She visited the University of Amsterdam during her BSc and worked on a project to elucidate the interactions of FtsZ-ZapA-ZapB during E. coli cell division. She worked on analysing global Regulators of LutR and SinR interactions on bac operon in B. subtilis for her thesis study. She continued her MSc in Middle East Technical University Institute of Marine Sciences on evolutionary biology and worked on the phylogeography of Botryllid ascidians from the Levantine. Currently, she is in the last year of her PhD at the University of Otago, studying the mechanisms of whole-body regeneration of Botrylloides diegensis using single-cell transcriptomics and ATAC-seq analyses complemented with in-situ hybridization, cloning, and RT-qPCR techniques.
2020-2023 PhD Anatomy, University of Otago, NZ
2017-2019 MSc Marine Biology & Fisheries, Middle East Technical University, TR
2011-2016 BSc Molecular Biology & Genetics, Istanbul Technical University, TR
- Temiz, B., & Wilson, M. J. (2022). Variation in whole-body regeneration between Botrylloides morphs and species. bioRxiv .
- Karahan, A., Öztürk, E., Temiz, B., & Blanchoud, S. (2022). Studying Tunicata WBR Using Botrylloides anceps. In Whole-Body Regeneration (pp. 311-332). Humana, New York, NY.
- Temiz, B., Clarke, R. M., Page, M., Lamare, M., & Wilson, M. J. (2021). Identification and characterisation of Botrylloides species from Aotearoa New Zealand coasts. bioRxiv.
- 2018 1st general meeting and working group meetings of the COST Action 16203: STEM CELLS OF MARINE/AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES: FROM BASIC RESEARCH TO INNOVATIVE APPLICATIONS (MARISTEM) Marine Biology Station, National Institute of Biology, Piran, Slovenia Organizers: A Ramšak Invertebrate Survival Journal (ISJ), 15: 104-115, 2018